Garten of Banban Wiki


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Garten of Banban Wiki
Garten of Banban Wiki
Before the Games
Banban's Meeting with Uthman Adam โ€ข Creation of Banban's Hellish Form โ€ข Rebellion โ€ข Bring a Friend Day
Garten of Banban
Opila Bird Chase
Garten of Banban II
Garten of Banban III
Nabnaleena's Surgery โ€ข Hellish Banban Chase โ€ข Monster Fight
Garten of Banban IV
Tamataki & Chamataki Chase โ€ข Interrogation โ€ข Nabnab Chase โ€ข Observation โ€ข Kittysaurus Room โ€ข Naughty Ones Escape
Garten of Banban VI
Statues Attack โ€ข Little Beak Fight โ€ข The Naughtification
Garten of Banban VII
Syringeon Chase โ€ข Bittergiggle's Death โ€ข Trojan Tarta โ€ข Baby Chase โ€ข Naughty Fight

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The Assembly is an event that occurs in the Assembly Room at the end of the Garten of Banban II.

Before the Assembly, Banban arrives on a Worker Lift and starts talking to The Player, where he explains that all of the Doors in the room will soon open. After Banban talks to the Player for a little while, a chime plays, indicating that it is now Assembly time. Banban then tells The Player that they must go through Opila Bird's walkway and take the worker lift there.

All of the doors except Opila Bird's are open. While Opila Bird's door opens, Jumbo Josh and Banbaleena appear from their doors and are the only ones present during Assembly time. Opila Bird's door finally opens, and now The Player must run away from Banbaleena and avoid dead ends while Jumbo Josh smashes some Doors to try and get them.

After The Player reaches the end of Opila Bird's walkway, they must now activate one of the white Keycard Readers to open the door above the X. As soon as Banbaleena walks on the X, Jumbo Josh's fist will slam her down on the ground, only to then pick her up and lift her upwards while she screaming. Banbaleena will then drop the white keycard The Player needs to finish the game.


  • Banban compares Assembly time to a zoo (alot of beings inside containment for entertaiment)
  • Opila Bird's Chase Music "A Mother's Wrath" plays during the Assembly Chase.
  • The fist Jumbo Josh used to punch Banbaleena was his right.
  • Slow Seline was not present during Assembly time, despite the fact that she appears at the end of the game if you look up.
  • You can also see Nabnab peeking around a corner if you head backwards after Jumbo Josh takes Banbaleena despite him not being present during Assembly time.
  • In Garten of Banban III, it is shown that Jumbo Josh took Banbaleena to the Jumbo Watch Room.
  • Banban hints at the possibility that Assembly time is a way for workers to observe how the Mascots interact with each other.


Before the Games
Banban's Meeting with Uthman Adam โ€ข Creation of Banban's Hellish Form โ€ข Rebellion โ€ข Bring a Friend Day
Garten of Banban
Opila Bird Chase
Garten of Banban II
Garten of Banban III
Nabnaleena's Surgery โ€ข Hellish Banban Chase โ€ข Monster Fight
Garten of Banban IV
Tamataki & Chamataki Chase โ€ข Interrogation โ€ข Nabnab Chase โ€ข Observation โ€ข Kittysaurus Room โ€ข Naughty Ones Escape
Garten of Banban VI
Statues Attack โ€ข Little Beak Fight โ€ข The Naughtification
Garten of Banban VII
Syringeon Chase โ€ข Bittergiggle's Death โ€ข Trojan Tarta โ€ข Baby Chase โ€ข Naughty Fight