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Queen Bouncelia Monster 2

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Captain Fiddles Captain Fiddles' Crew

Captain Fiddles' Crew โ€ข Fanart
โ€œYou can share artwork of Captain Fiddles' Crew Says in Fanart!โ€


The Captain Fiddles crew are a bunch of Captain Fiddles clones that first appeared in Garten of Banban II as corpses, besides Aqua Fiddles.


Aqua Fiddles has a aqua (cyan or mint) color, sad expression and the absence of teeth similarly to Brown Fiddles and Forest Fiddles. Their monster form is also notable because of its giant size. It was revealed in Garten Of Banban II in the Case Reports that they were peaceful until originally having Givanium collected from them. Aqua Fiddles is the only one (excluding Captain Fiddles) who is not dead.

Magenta Fiddles has a magenta (or pink) color and the lower teeth which give him a vampiric appearance. His body is against a wall, on the floor.

Orange Fiddles has an orange color, only having one tooth, and the fact he is cross-eyed. His body is on a stool.

Brown Fiddles has a brown color, his surprised expression and lack of teeth similarly to Green Fiddles. His body is on a brown hospital bed.

Yellow Fiddles has a yellow color, the fact that he is facing straight, and his missing eye which gives him a pirate like appearance. His body is lying on a yellow hospital bed.

Forest Fiddles has a dark green color, his enlarged pupils, and his lack of teeth. His eyes are also looking in an opposite direction than Captain Fiddles are.

Crimson Fiddles has a crimson (or red) color and his closed eyes, surprisingly he isn't the angry one in the group, he instead seems to be the peaceful or happy one. His body is on an old hospital bed.


The Fiddles Crew is a crew of Captain Fiddles variants that appear in Garten of Banban II and are Captain Fiddles supposed crew which he is the Captain of.


  • Captain Fiddles crew members designs were actually older concepts for Captain Fiddles design (besides from Forest Fiddles).
  • Aqua Fiddles monster form model is missing one eye (only seen out of bounds and not usually seen when playing the game normally).
  • The crewโ€™s depictions do not really match their monster form.
  • It's possible that design of Captain Fiddles & Captain Fiddles Crew might be based on Blemmyes.
  • Aqua Fiddles is actually much larger than the room he is hiding inside, with the rest of his body clipping below the floor and his arms through the walls. Thus, he seems to vanish when struck by the rocket due to there not being any openings where the parts of him actually in the room disappear to, due to his defeat animation seeing him fall below the floor.
  • Aqua Fiddles Jumpscare is Grabbing you and crushing you because he thought you were his favorite food, Coconuts.
  • In GoBB Punchrush, Aqua fiddles has 1 eye replaced by a cross. This is probably referencing how his eye was hurt. His studio dialogue also references this.

