Garten of Banban Wiki


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Garten of Banban Wiki
Garten of Banban Wiki
Before the Games
Banban's Meeting with Uthman Adam โ€ข Creation of Banban's Hellish Form โ€ข Rebellion โ€ข Bring a Friend Day
Garten of Banban
Opila Bird Chase
Garten of Banban II
Garten of Banban III
Nabnaleena's Surgery โ€ข Hellish Banban Chase โ€ข Monster Fight
Garten of Banban IV
Tamataki & Chamataki Chase โ€ข Interrogation โ€ข Nabnab Chase โ€ข Observation โ€ข Kittysaurus Room โ€ข Naughty Ones Escape
Garten of Banban VI
Statues Attack โ€ข Little Beak Fight โ€ข The Naughtification
Garten of Banban VII
Syringeon Chase โ€ข Bittergiggle's Death โ€ข Trojan Tarta โ€ข Baby Chase โ€ข Naughty Fight

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After meeting with Dr. Uthman Adam (Banban's Meeting with Uthman Adam), Banban has goes insane, only repeating a couple of phrases and sat in the corner of his containment room. They created Banbaleena to try and solve this problem but it doesn't work, so the scientists re-mix Banban's Givanium Solution, slightly altering it to reduce his intelligence and to make him more stable. This seemingly works with Banban coming back to his regular self, but the new Solution has one unintended side affect, his body transforms into a hellish form that makes him want to kill everything he sees. This gets even more dangerous due to Banban gaining a large increase in Muscle Strength.


Before the Games
Banban's Meeting with Uthman Adam โ€ข Creation of Banban's Hellish Form โ€ข Rebellion โ€ข Bring a Friend Day
Garten of Banban
Opila Bird Chase
Garten of Banban II
Garten of Banban III
Nabnaleena's Surgery โ€ข Hellish Banban Chase โ€ข Monster Fight
Garten of Banban IV
Tamataki & Chamataki Chase โ€ข Interrogation โ€ข Nabnab Chase โ€ข Observation โ€ข Kittysaurus Room โ€ข Naughty Ones Escape
Garten of Banban VI
Statues Attack โ€ข Little Beak Fight โ€ข The Naughtification
Garten of Banban VII
Syringeon Chase โ€ข Bittergiggle's Death โ€ข Trojan Tarta โ€ข Baby Chase โ€ข Naughty Fight