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Queen Bouncelia Monster 2

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Bittergiggle Experiment Jesters


The Experiment Jesters are 7 malformed variants of the Bittergiggle with different sets of colours, four of them appear to be alive while the other two are either dead or probably unwilling to interact with the player.


The Green & Coral Jester is a large head that sits on a table and is missing its body.

The Blue & Yellow Jester is on a table at the room entrance. He has a head and body with arms and no legs.

The Pink & Azure Jester floats in a tube filled with some kind of liquid and also has no eyes, and its left arm is entirely missing from its body, presumably ripped apart.

The Lime & Magenta Jester floats in a tube filled with some kind of liquid and its head is entirely missing from its body.

The Green & Brown Jester is split into two parts, one Green and the other Brown. The two parts have different sentience and personalities. They appear when the player first enters the Potentiality Sector.

The Yellow & Violet Jester is missing his left leg. He appears in the corner of a staircase within the Potentiality Sector.

The Orange & Blue Jester is missing both of his arms. They are seen with a scepter button after the Little Beak boss fight ends.


Garten of Banban IV[]

When entering the room, there seems to be 4 dead experiments in the room. Upon collecting the crown, the Big-Head Jester converses with you, and when going near the Top-Half jester, he talks too, and then opens the door for you.

Garten of Banban VI[]

After entering the room, you can see Green-Brown Jester divided in two parts arguing that they should be back in cooperation and together, to prevent hopping like a bunny. However after that quarrel, they fall in the pitch-black abyss pit.

Voiceline Transcripts[]

  • Wow, you just come in here, steal what's ours, and then leave.
  • You humans are all the same; thieves with no shame.
  • Your greed knows no limits, only controllable for minutes.
  • You can have the crown, I can care less about that.
  • But can I at least have some applause for my little poem, please?

  • Don't listen to that guy over there, all he cares about are his poems.
  • I'll show you something that's actually impressive.
  • A magic trick!
  • Open Sesame!
  • I think I earned a round of applause for that.

  • Come on, man, we have to get back together.
  • You'll have one leg. Everybody will think you're the joke when you're hopping around like a bunny.
  • We must get back together to prevent that!

  • Not a chance! Your jokes are trash!
  • You make a good point. Let me think about it for a second.
  • NEVER!

  • I will find it. The perfect joke.
  • I might've lost a leg, but it will all be worth it in the end.
  • I just have to make sure I don't lose the other one.
  • But I must remember. Absolutely no more jokes about being trapped in a [[kangaroo's pouch!

  • Go ahead. Press the thing...
  • Nothing bad will happen. I promise...
  • See? I told you nothing bad would happen.

  • Trivia[]

    • The Experiment Jesters are all voiced by YouTubers who have played the games.
    • Two of the Experiment Jesters have alternate names in Garten of Banban IV.
      • The Green-Pink Jester is also called "Big-Head Jester".
      • The Blue-Yellow Jester is also called "Top-Half Jester".
    • There are 2 more Unused Jester Experiments out of bounds in Garten of Banban IV.
    • When JackManifold, the voice actor for the Orange-Blue Jester streamed his playthrough of Garten of Banban VI, he unofficially names the Orange-Blue Jester "Bittershiggle"
    • The Green-Brown Jester divided into two parts is the most complete Bittergiggle experiment.
      • The Green-Brown Jester also shows beyond debuting that Bittergiggle can indeed split in half, if he is willing to do so.
    • Garten of Banban Roleplay includes multicolored Bittergiggles colored like a few of the Experiment Jesters, but with all body parts.
    • Thinknoodles's Jester has the same colors as his Youtube Logo and The Minions, Who used to be a Staple of Thinknoodles' Channel.

