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Game 4

"Explore the abandoned levels of Banban's Kindergarten Survive the residents of the establishment that was left suspiciously empty. Uncover the truth behind the place, and find the whereabouts of your missing child."

- Steam Description


Garten of Banban IV or Garten of Banban Chapter 4 is the fourth installment of the Garten of Banban game series. it is the sequel to Garten of Banban III.

It was announced on May 5th 2023, the day Garten of Banban III released, Sheriff Toadster is the main focus, making Garten of Banban IV his official debut in the series. Additionally, Zolphius, & Tamataki & Chamataki played a Minor Role in the Game, meanwhile Queen Bouncelia, and BitterGiggle play a very large role in the story. The games art and Steam page were created secretly on April 26th 2023. Also the model for Sheriff Toadster seems to be different than whats shown on the steam page, as by release his eyes were yellow. It was speculated that the game was going to release July 7th, 2023 by following the patterns of the release date of GoB II and GoB III, however, that turned out to be false. The game actually released on August 11th, 2023.


The Player will start where the Player left off on the elevator, Tamataki & Chamataki then chase the player until eventually getting stuck through at the end of a hallway. They (player) get kidnapped by Tamataki & Chamataki. After the Player is salves by the Sheriff Toadster wakes up and Toadster asks questions about them. After that They Go to Her Castle. They talk about her mission to get the children but instead now have to get the parts in hand which Downplayed their current situation. They gets six tickets. Two for You Two for me and Two for Little Beak here and They go to the Vent Sector. When Parent gets trapped in the dark room They first encounter Bitteriggleโ€™s left arm which was a trap. Toadster opens the door and Throws One of his Toad Stars. they get to the Ventilation room where Nabnab Is Making a trap. they go all the way to Shut the Vent system and get the part. The First piece of the elevator was placed. After talking to Queen Bouncelia, Parent goes to The Infimary. Opila Bird and Tarta Bird got captured by Sheriff Toadster and into the Infirmary. Stinger Flynn and Banban survived the Monster Fight And Banban shows up in the infirmary he wanted to make it up to them by being involved with the elevator situation, and Stinger is trapped inside The Cell in the End of the hall. Stinger blames The Parent for not taking his advice he intros them in a dream In the aftermath of What Happened with the last dream. They wake up and go to Banban and while they were on their way to the Feeding Sector Banban properly introduces himself as Uthman Adam. In the Feeding Sector They open the two doors before opening the firs tone They Go inside the Experiment room To take a crown The Experiment Bittergiggles to Help the, open the door to open the first door and then the Second door for the code saying โ€œOKโ€.

Before getting the second piece of the elevator. They plan to give Mr. Kabob Man To a lonely friend but gets catched by a Nabnab. They chase him and Nabnab And Banban fight in the room. Parent gets the second piece and places it in the elevator and Talks to Queen Bouncelia Once again. They to go alone for the final sector in which it is the Employee Exercise Sector.


  1. Garten of Banban IV/Trailer




Character Roles[]

Main Antagonist(s) Support Character(s) Minor Character(s)
Tamataki & Chamataki Monster
Tamataki & Chamataki
Little Beak Render

Little Beak
Slow Seline
Bittergiggle Monster

Sheriff Toadster Monster
Sheriff Toadster
Banbaleena Monster
Nabnab Monster
Queen Bouncelia Monster
Queen Bouncelia
Opila Bird Monster
Opila Bird

Kittysaurus Monster

Banban Monster
Tarta Bird Monster
Tarta Bird
Mr Kabob Man
Mr. Kabob Man
Jumbo Josh Monster
Jumbo Josh
Stinger Flynn Monster
Stinger Flynn


Steam Images[]

Leaked Images[]



  1. โ†‘ [1] A tweet explaining the entire issue.


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