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Garten of Banban Wiki
Queen Bouncelia Monster 2

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The Mutants Below The Givanium Infants
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The Givanium Infants are minor characters that made their debut in Garten of Banban VI.



The Givanium Infants are two cyan spheres, with diminutive and chubby legs, and they are indistinguishable from eachother, except that one Infant has black eyes, and the other has white eyes. They also have two narrow, opened and, stygian mouths.

Voicelines Transcript[]

  • (White-Eyed Infant) Hello, giant.
  • (Black-Eyed Infant) Stop! Father told us not to talk to strangers.
  • (White-Eyed Infant) But we need help!
  • (White-Eyed Infant) Did you see our father around?
  • (White-Eyed Infant) He didn't come by today.
  • (Black-Eyed Infant) He has more arms than you.
  • (Black-Eyed Infant) More than us as well, obviouslyโ€ฆ
  • (Black-Eyed Infant) If you see him, please tell him we need him to come back!


  • They are known as "Tiny_GV_Creatures" in the game files.
  • The White-Eyed Infant is voiced by the YouTuber CookieSwirlC, while the Black-Eyed Infant is voiced by the YouTuber Kat.
  • They look similar to the Givanium Citizens.
  • There are more than two of them.
  • One wrote in Dadadoo's New Class: "Dear Father, I have been taken captive by a crazed creature. If I don't make it out of here alive, please know that I am appreciative for all you've done for myself and the others. This message has taken me a lot of effort to write, as I have no hands to write with. At least be proud of that."



