Garten of Banban Wiki


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We are a collaborative community about the Garten of Banban Series.
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Garten of Banban Wiki
Garten of Banban Wiki
Before the Games
Banban's Meeting with Uthman Adam โ€ข Creation of Banban's Hellish Form โ€ข Rebellion โ€ข Bring a Friend Day
Garten of Banban
Opila Bird Chase
Garten of Banban II
Garten of Banban III
Nabnaleena's Surgery โ€ข Hellish Banban Chase โ€ข Monster Fight
Garten of Banban IV
Tamataki & Chamataki Chase โ€ข Interrogation โ€ข Nabnab Chase โ€ข Observation โ€ข Kittysaurus Room โ€ข Naughty Ones Escape
Garten of Banban VI
Statues Attack โ€ข Little Beak Fight โ€ข The Naughtification
Garten of Banban VII
Syringeon Chase โ€ข Bittergiggle's Death โ€ข Trojan Tarta โ€ข Baby Chase โ€ข Naughty Fight

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Stinger Flynn Says

"Having many arms allows me to help a lot more people!"

This article doesn't have many helping hands, so why not lend some? You can help by adding missing information and assets.

(Not to be confused with the Nabnab Chase in the Maintenance Room.)

Banban and The Player come to a large opening to the abyss. Banban takes Mr. Kabob Man off his back and sets him down, and he calls Zolphius with the intention of giving Mr. Kabob Man to him. Just after Banban calls for Zolphius though, Nabnab jumps out and steals Mr. Kabob man and begins running away from the scene. Banban quickly chases after them with the player following shortly behind. Unfortunately the player is slower than Nabnab and Banban, so by the time the Player catches up, Banban had already cornered Nabnab behind a glass wall. The player watches as Nabnab begins to fight Banban, but eventually Banban loses control of himself and transforms into his Hellish form, who Nabnab doesnโ€™t stand a chance against. Hellish Banban begins beating up Nabnab, eventually knocking him unconscious and throwing his body at a wall. In the end, Banban collapses on the ground in a manic state.
