Garten of Banban Wiki


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Garten of Banban Wiki
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Secrets are hidden details that can be found throughout the GoB games; whether that be out of bounds or in the map itself. Keep in mind that certain secrets are not available in the Roblox builds for GoB and GoB II. The out-of-bounds secrets, although reachable in the Steam version using cheats/mods, are not present in the Roblox builds by default.


Purple Room[]

In GoB's Steam Version, Find the hidden egg (located within the Ball Pit) and feed it to Opila Bird. Following this, she will grant you a purple keycard the same way the player was granted the yellow one. The player now has access to the Purple Room.

In GoB's Roblox Version, After defeating Opila Bird, you need to go to the supply closet where you originally found the Drone and the Drone Controller. The player has to jump at a specific angle where they can see and touch the Purple Keycard. Once obtained, the player can now enter the Purple Room.

Cafeteria Audiotape[]

In GoB, The player needs to defeat Opila Bird in order to see and hear the secret tape. Once Opila Bird has been defeated, the player has to go back to the starting lobby of the game, hooking a left into the Cafeteria. The tape player will then be on the middle table with "For You" written in permanent marker right above it. This secret is not present in the Roblox build of the game.

Jumbo Josh Lounge[]

In GoB, The player has to enter the Orange Room and pick up the passport card. The passport has a QR code in the bottom corner, and scanning it with a QR code reader will redirect you to a hidden link on the Euphoric Brothers website, titled the Jumbo Josh Lounge. This secret is not present in the Roblox build of the game

Unused Tarta Bird[]

In GoB and GoB II, If you modify the game using hacks/cheats and go out of bounds in order to see this early/unused model of Tarta Bird. Aside from that method, this is not visible or reachable by the player.


In GoB II, To get the 1st Videotape, There is a tape visible on the table to the left-hand side of the player after completing the Maintenance Room maze; however this must be grabbed before the Nabnab chase sequence begins, or else you will not be able to obtain it, as the room becomes blocked off if you try to re-enter it. However, once obtained, you can then go back to the Communications Center, and play the tape on the conference room TV where it prompts you to. The tape depicts Banban lying on the ground in the fetal position in a (presumably small) dark room, with no lights or furniture; clearly in some kind of solitary confinement and in heavy distress due to it. This is most likely a tape recording after Banban attempted to attack his Genome donor, Uthman Adam, as stated in one of the Case notes that this incident had occurred.

To get the 2nd Videotape is in the Parkour Room, there is a tape on one of the corner platforms. Once the tape is obtained, you can go back into the main Communications Center and play it on the same conference room TV you can do with the first one. The tape depicts a sequence of (presumably) how Givanium creatures are made; as it shows Jumbo Josh get injected in the back with a syringe containing pure Givanium. The tape cuts before the monster is able to come to life, or undergo physical changes.

In GoB III, The 1st Videotape, Like the previously mentioned secret, there is a tape in the hallway end corner upon escaping The Jumbo Room. Obtaining the tape and playing it in the main area after Banbaleena leaves reveals the appearance of Claire, and showing that she's still alive and well. The tape shows her standing with Captain Fiddles, implying the both of them are doing the crayon floor scribbles together at the time of the tapes' recording.

Uthman's Office[]

In GoB II, The player has to grab a firework that's present in the Cannon Game Room, then retreat back to the Medical Sector, and put the firework in the cannon used previously to shoot down (Giant) Cyan Fiddles. The firework will then hit a button that's in the back of the room (although unseen by the player), which turns on a light and grants the player a Red Keycard that can be then be used on the Red Door in the same sector in order to access Uthman's Office.

Nabnab Hidden Model[]

In GoB II, You will have to modify the game using hacks/cheats and go out of bounds in order to see this unused model of Nabnab. Aside from that method, this is not visible or reachable by the player.

Unused Captain Fiddles[]

In GoB II, You will have to modify the game using hacks/cheats and go out of bounds in order to see this unused model of Captain Fiddles. Aside from that method, this is not visible or reachable by the player.

White Room[]

In GoB III, In order to access the White Room, you have to put Banban's party hats (obtainable after defeating Tamataki & Chamataki) on Mr. Kabob Man, and roll him to the entrance of the room with the Baby Opila Bird. The player is then supposed to click the back button on Mr. Kabob Man earlier than intended, to which he states "Open Sesame" in Banban's voice, and helps grant the player a White Keycard, which can then be used on the door back in Stinger Flynn's Room back in the Aquatic Sector.

Green Room[]

In GoB III,After the player escapes from The Jumbo Room alongside Banbaleena, you then have to go into the B2 Medical Sector and open up the Green Room, since the player now has the Green Keycard needed for it, which grants the player a complex puzzle that leads to another secret, which summons Zolphius in the elevator shaft area if done correctly. To which, the player will hear Zolphius whisper "Lo siento" in Spanish (I'm sorry) a couple of times before disappearing once again.

GoB IV:[]

Green Room[]

The -4 Green Room is a secret room in GoB IV in the Ventilation Sector. The Green Keycard is in the Attack Room through the small green door. To get the Green Keycard, you need to place the second piece back, then head back to the Attack Room, click the Keycard Reader behind him, he will say โ€œOpen Sesameโ€, the green door will open with the green keycard, head back to the Ventilation Sector place the keycard into the green keycard reader, then press the button with your drone.
