Garten of Banban Wiki


Welcome to our Wiki!
We are a collaborative community about the Garten of Banban Series.
Be ready to make some friends and have fun!
We hope you enjoy your time here ;)
Please be sure to read the Manual of Style before editing!


Garten of Banban Wiki
Garten of Banban Wiki
Wiki Pages
Garten of Banban Wiki โ€ข Staff โ€ข Block Log

Contact Wiki Staff

Contact Staff โ€ข Apply for Staff


There are five groups on this Wiki's staff team: Principals, Administrators, Overseers, Managers, Thread Moderators and Rollbacks.

Current staff

Meet the Principal!

ZacharyBachary Fandom Star Ultra+ Admin

Promoted by Filetowy
Contact Info: Message Wall โ€ข @zachary.bachary Discord โ€ข ๐•
Member of Principals
Specialization: Head Principal, FWU Union Leader

Hello I am the Head Principal on this wiki! I just like GoBB and yeah, I spend most of my time here just reading discussions, reading notifications, and fixing vandalism. If you have any problem just message me on my message wall :>

I also am the Union Leader of the FANDOM Wikis Union, and the owner of the BBU wiki, IP wiki, IP Fanon wiki, and a few more :D

Meet the Administrators!


Promoted by ZacharyBachary
Contact Info: Message Wall
Member of {{{member}}}
Specialization: None

Oops this Staff Member hasnโ€™t added Their Bio yet!


Promoted by Gybiu
Contact Info: Message Wall
Member of Overseers
Specialization: None

I love 2017x


Promoted by ZacharyBachary
Contact Info: Message Wall
Member of Administration
Specialization: None

Hey! I am Cats1GameTOO or Mo'ew, an administrator that is responsible for major edits on this wiki. I check the wiki almost daily and am always willing to help. Whenever I'm not on here I am spending time with family, playing video games, working on a new project for my YouTube Channel or company Calv Studios.

Meet the Overseers!

Eleeysium circle

Promoted by ZacharyBachary

Hello. My name is Eleeysium! I'm an Overseer of this wiki! I enjoy content related to Garten of Banban, whether its canon or fan-made. My favorite Garten of Banban character being Nabnab. I really love that spider. <3 I even am the creator of a fan-made character myself, known as Party Pierce! You can also find me on other wikis like the Villains Wiki. I'm also the current owner and administrator of the Neutral Characters Wiki. I'm usually around most of the week besides Sunday. Other games I enjoy include Roblox, Fall Guys, and Minecraft. So remember kids (or adults), always have fun and never stop!

Meet the Managers!

Thenewjws circle

Promoted by Filetowy

Hi, you can call me Galaxy Shadow also. I am the proud gamer and creator of Creepy Elevator and Tsunami Survival. But I like to play Roblox games (horror, obbies, and many more), sometimes I made music, and animation.


Promoted by ZacharyBachary
Contact Info: Message Wall
Member of Managers
Specialization: None

My name is Sergicoon. I edit the wiki when I'm bored. Most of my edits are adding images.


Promoted by 11-OnetyOne
Contact Info: Message Wall
Member of Super secret content mods
Specialization: None

Oops this Staff Member hasnโ€™t added Their Bio yet!

Meet The Thread Moderators!


Promoted by ZacharyBachary
Contact Info: Message Wall
Member of Thread Moderators
Specialization: None

Hello, I am Firehand8976, you can call me, Fire if you want. I am a huge Garten of Banban fan and play a lot of games to than Banban! I mostly play Roblox! My Display Name in Roblox is Firehand8976/TheThreatningTrioLED (Darkslayer_1234566 is my Username by the way) It is great meeting you!

Former Staff

Former Staff

AppleSauce99: Former Principal | Retired
Filetowy: Former Principal | Retired
Macy Draws: Former Principal | Retired

Spider33: Former Administrator | Fired; Globally Blocked
BLOXGuy565: Former Overseer | Demoted for inactivity
Bannanagaming0807: Former Manager | Demoted for inactivity
ItzBlockszzz9016: Former Manager | Demoted for inactivity
Demo87: Former Communications Manager | Demoted for inactivity
Sonic ayo: Former Communications Manager | Demoted for inactivity
TheLegendaryCreeper: Former Rollbacker | Demoted for inactivity
NeptuneCoderr64: Former Rollbacker | Demoted for inactivity
Useless puppet: Former Thread Mod | Blocked
Cr4zGuy2: Former Overseer | Demoted for inactivity
CAKElSLlAR: Former Communications Moderator | Retired
Uzzerlay: Former Communications Moderator | Fired
Gybiu: Former Administrator | Demoted; Globally Blocked
ItzBenZy II: Former Administrator | Fired

Staff info

To become a staff member or to have a staff role, a user must contact any Bureaucrat on their message wall. When contacting them a user might be able to be accepted, however the user is much more likely to become staff, when staff applications are sent out to Bureaucrats/Admins. The user must be above 13 years of age to be a Staff member, shouldn't act immature, shouldn't be aggressive towards any users and if allegations arise which have a Staff member involved in them, then they will be dealt with privately.

Bureaucrats and Admins can go to the Admin Dashboard to customize the Wiki. They can go to Theme Designer to Change Different aspects of Theming and Colouring of the Wiki. They can also go to the Import JS Page to Import Javascripts from Fandom Dev Wiki. They can go to the Statistics Page, where they'll see all the Page, Edit and User Statistics of this Wiki. They can also go to the Special Pages page to see all the Special Pages on this Wiki.

Staff Roles

Principal Roles

Head Principal

The Head principal has all the same permissions as a regular principal, except they have the ability to overrule decisions of other principals. There can only be one Head Principal at a time and the Head Principal is chosen by the retiring Head Principal.


A principal is the Bureaucrat of a wiki, leading it. They have the ability to:

  • Promote User to any staff group
  • Edit MediaWiki Pages
  • Block Users
  • Protect Pages
  • Edit any locked pages
  • Delete and edit any Discussions/Comments
  • Rollback Edits


Head Admin

The head administrator is a position elected by the Principals, and Administrators.

  • Permissions of regular administrator.
  • Overruling of all staff below principals.
  • Starting, stopping, and restarting staff elections.
  • Casts the equivalent of a principals vote in all staff votes.


Administrators are users who can manage the overall wiki with the ability to:

  • Promote users to Rollbacks, and Communications Moderator
  • Edit MediaWiki Pages
  • Block Users
  • Protect Pages
  • Edit any locked pages
  • Delete and edit any Discussions/Comments
  • Rollback Edits


Overseers are Content Mods and Thread Mods at the same time.

  • Protect Pages
  • Edit any locked pages
  • Delete and edit any Discussions/Comments
  • Rollback Edits


Managers are Content Moderators of the wiki.

  • Protect Pages
  • Edit any locked pages
  • Rollback edits

Threads Moderators

  • Delete and edit any Discussions/Comments


  • Revert changes to pages.

Community Maintenance

For Maintenance, Admins can visit the page "Special:SpecialPages" where all the linked pages need to be maintained.

Principal Promotion Process

Upon a principal retiring the Head Administrator will become Principal or the retiring principal can choose to hold a vote between all staff members will take place on the Staff Voting site. This vote will decided which Administrator will become the next Principal. Until the vote is complete the retiring Principal will stay Principal until the vote is complete so they can promote the chosen administrator to Principal then they may relieve themselves of the Bureaucrat permission. However if there are more than 3 principals at any time a replacement principal will not be chosen to ensure 3 principals at all times.

Upon the retiring of the Head Principal they will be able to choose a successor from the principals.

Principal Demotion Process

If all staff members vote on and agree that one of the current Principals must be demoted, from there it is the principals duty to follow the rules of the staff page and initiate the Principal Promotion Process. This cannot be vetoed.

Promotion to Administrator

In order to be promoted to an administrator a user must be an Overseer who spends their time contributing to wiki pages and moderating discussions as well, however special exclusions to this rule can be made when granting administrator to a user for that of a time below 3 weeks.

Staff voting

Staff members take part in a secret voting process, it is required when adding new rules, staff additions, staff demotions, staff promotions. Situations where voting is not required are major design edits, blocks, post locks, post deletions, and more regular actions one might perform.

Staff Suspension

A staff suspension is when a staff member breaks a rule and has their permissions removed for a period of time no greater than 2 months. A staff suspension can be put in place by a principal if a rule was plainly broken, however if no clear rule was broken a trial must be held by the staff team to determine the length and severity of the suspension or if it should happen at all.


Personal leaves

A personal break is allowed for a period of up to 1 month, longer than that the staff member will be considered inactive. To go on break the staff member must first notify a principal of the break and how long it will be, failure to do so will result in presumed inactivity.

A staff member cannot remain active while on break unless granted by the Head Principal.

Upon going on break staff members will no longer have to participate in mandatory activies.

Mandatory leaves

Mandatory breaks are when a staff member is forced to take a break, this is not a suspension it is usually in the form of a block from discussions for a period of time no greater than a week to preserve the staff members mental wellbeing.

Staff Termination

A staff member may be terminated at the discretion of a principal however a trial must be held within 2 days after the termination or it is considered invalid and the termination is revoked.
