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Overview[]The Testing Sector is a large area that has many different locations inside of it, these locations are all different experiments where the Workers of Banban's Kindergarten would test many various different things in it. Map[]
Testing Lobby[]The Testing Lobby is a small lobby room where a secretary would unlock and lock a door that leads to the rest of The Testing Sector allowing workers and visitors of Banban's Kindergarten to enter and exit. The door is unlocked with the Pink Keycard as well as a puzzle where The Player uses The Drone to hit 6 Wall Buttons in the correct order which will enable the Keycard Reader that unlocks the doors to the rest of the rooms in The Testing Sector. Cannon Game Room[]The Cannon Game Room is one of many areas in Garten of Banban II in which The Player ends up in after being chased by Slow Seline, inside they find 6 Cannons, with 4 on a bridge that walks over the room, and 2 on the ground. Each Cannon is facing towards a Wall Button. The Player must first complete, The Stinger Flynn Mission which also occurs in this room, where the player collects 8 seashells that are hidden around the room. The Player can start the Cannon Game after collecting the Seashells, which gives access to the keycard needed for its activation, during The Cannon Game they will have to loaf Firework Rockets into Cannons and shoot the correct Wall Buttons as they are activated. After completing The Cannon Game, the player is given access to the Orange door across the brigade behind which, is the room with the Cyan Keycard. Trivia[]
Banbaleena's Classroom[]Gameplay[]Banbaleena Classroom is a room located in The Testing Sector. After entering The Opila Room, Opila Bird will begin chasing The Player, but just as The Player is about to die to Opila Bird, Banbaleena will call out "Quick! in here!" and let The Player walk into her Classroom. Inside of The Classroom Banbaleena will have The Player sit down in a Chair, if The Player doesn't sit in the Chair, Banbaleena will chase The Player and kill them. If everything goes correctly though she will ask The Player questions that have to do with Math and Science then The Player must use the Audiotapes that are in front of The Inanimate Students that are also sitting in the Chairs. These Inanimate Students all have different personalities that will all provide different answers to Banbaleena's questions. Appearance[]Main Class[]The classroom walls are a light blue, with the floor being a whitish color. On the wall closet to where Banbaleena stands is a more Periwinkle or a light purple color. There are multiple tables and chairs being of varying colors- with the tables being a blue while the chairs are yellow, white, blue, and red. In one corner there is big bold lettering that says "Naughty Corner!" with a camera right next to it. The ceiling shares the same white as the floor, but has big circle lights on it. There are three posters possibly resemble the three mascots, that of being Banbaleena (possibly Opila), Jumbo Josh, and Nabnab. The posters show the three different subjects that Banbaleena teaches, being kindness, Math, and Science. The pink poster says "The Cycle Of Kindness" with the words "Kindness -> Betrayal -> Sadness -> Evil" before looping back to kindness, the blue poster says "The Alphabet" with the letters D,E,F on it leading to Drinking, Eating, and "Flaying" [sic], and the green poster says "Multiplication Table" with all of the answers to the questions being "Banban" then the actual answer to the question, all of the things on the poster seem wrong or off in someway. Playground[]The playground has "green grass" (floor painted to look green) and a fake blue sky with painted on clouds, and one thing for the students to play on, being a slide where the Popular Kids sit. Location of the inanimate students will change from the first to second break time. Parkour Room[]The Parkour Room is a room in GoBB II, that is located in the Testing Sector. In the room there is a starting area with 2 messages on the wall as well as various couches against the wall, The Player has to jump between many different platforms that are supported by beams that are connected to the wall or the floor. The player can also find a videotape on a corner platform. There is an empty dark abyss at the bottom of the room that seems to have been filled with toy balls in the past but currently they are all missing. After completing the parkour The Player will arrive at the top of the room where they must complete one final jump which will lead them into the Assembly Room. Opila & Tarta Chicks Room[]The Baby Opila Birds Room is a room that appears in Garten of Banban II, it is located in The Testing Sector behind an Orange Colored Door there is also a second entrance located in the back hallway of the room, it is a cramped hallway that leads to the backdoor of Banbaleena's Classroom. During the game the Player uses this secret back entrance to escape from Banbaleena and her Classroom from their they walk through the back hallway and enter the Baby Opila Birds Room. In this room the Player must collect the 6 Baby Opila Birds and then carry them into the nest next that is located in the back hallway, after collecting all 6 Baby Opila Birds and placing them into the nest the Player can collect the orange Keycard that is laying down in the room, the Keycard unlocks the main exit door where Opila Bird is waiting but instead of attacking The Player she instead walks up the ramp into the back hallway where she sits with her children. If the Player picks up the Orange Keycard and uses it to unlock the door before placing all 6 Baby Opila Birds into the nest, Opila Bird will simply kill The Player instead of walking to the bird nest. Trivia[]
The Opila Room[]The Opila Room is a room of unknown size, upon unlocking the door to the room the Player is greeted with a pitch black room with green walls and floor with a simple rainbow stripe leading into the room, they can also see the glowing eyes of Opila Bird staring back at them in the void. When the Player enters the room Opila Bird steps out from the darkness and begins chasing the player throughout the Testing Sector. Button Room[]The Button Room is a room with buttons. This room is located in the Testing Sector right at the end of the long hallway connected to The Opila Room. In the room there is a long hallway where the Player must complete different puzzles that involve Wall Buttons while playing in Stinger Flynn Mode. Upon these puzzles being completed more and more bridges will activate eventually leading to the end of the room. [] |
Testing Sector